A great family car isn’t necessarily something that’s easy to define. What makes a family car best for you? Space will always be something of a given. But what else follows? The ability to zip through a criss-crossing city with ease? Miles per gallon? How about the amount of extra features for accessibility and utility? One of the most important factors, safety has to rank on the list, too. The truth is that it’s all down to you. But we’ve taken a look at some of the cars that should fit your family, no matter what exactly it is you’re looking for.


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Mercedes Benz C-Class

We’re kicking off with a bang from Mercedes, one of the world’s most recognisable luxury brands. However, it’s not just luxury we’re looking at this time. Sure, it has the performance and handling you would expect of a sporty number like it is. But it also has all the kinds of features you should expect from an entry level luxury. A new Mercedes C-Class offers features like rear view cameras for safety and its own Wi-Fi hotspot to keep everyone entertained.


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Kia Soul

Not exactly a classic amongst many family car enthusiasts, what makes the Kia Soul such a dependable entry despite its surprise? Hatchbacks offer a lot more seating space than people credit them for, the Kia in particular. Combine that with the outward size and the parking, steering benefits it gives. If you’re looking for a chipper little thing that can get your whole family to a to b in a packed city, you might just be looking at it.


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Dodge Durango

One of the less surprising entries on the list. Dodge had a good idea in mind when they put the power of a truck into a family car. Whilst it doesn’t exactly have the best mile per gallon, safety and power are the priorities of these friendly beasts. Add a bit of unexpected agility and you’re dealing with a less cumbersome beast, too. Perfect for towing and transporting all the stuff your family needs. A proper car for family utility.


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Honda Accord

Each year’s Accord has been an entry for plenty of each year’s ‘best car’ lists and for great reason. Accords are reliable, long-lasting and with great miles per gallon. 2016’s model is no different from its predecessors in that respect. However, in another respect, it even out punches its forbearers. We’re talking about safety, with the new Honda Sensing option. Collision warning from all sides and collision braking are just some of the ways the Accord will make your family’s trip safer than ever.


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Toyota Sienna

Another car that has been battling year-in, year-out with Honda for most family reliable brand is Toyota. Particularly against Honda’s rival minivan, the Odyssey. The Odyssey has an (slight) advantage on fuel economy and a (slightly) higher safety rating. However, for the drop in price that a Sienna gives compared to how slight the differences are, we have to go with recommending the Sienna.



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